As usual Trump was up tweeting last night. Psychoanalysts gain insight into someone's unconscious, and the way their mind works by analyzing their dreams. Trump doesn't tell us his actual dreams, but he does tell us what is going on in his mind when we're asleep and he's awake.
You can see above what was on his mind last night. His tweet about Elon Musk was featured in this MSNBC article.
What this tweet tells me, a retired psychoanalyically oriented therapist, is that all the publicity Musk is getting and his being called "President Musk" is getting to Trump. Instead of tweeting about himself being in charge of Musk, he is building Musk up. I suppose he sees this as brilliant reverse psychology.
We know Trump is an avid poll watcher and takes them very seriously. Since the polls are showing that he is tanking, instead of attacking them as inaccurate he used the primitive defense of simply lying and saying that they are the highest ever when the opposite is true.
The tweet that struck me as interesting enough to make the above illustration was about MSNBC. There has been a lot of reporting about Trump's percipitious drop in approval as shown in all major polls on the station. If Trump was smart he'd never mention MSNBC but he can't restrain himself. I am sure that our friends over there take satisfacton in knowing he is watching their shows. I am waiting to see one of them say directly "President Trump, if you're watching this, I want you to answer this question." I wonder which MSNBC host's show is must-see TV for him. This would give bragging rights to the evening host who he called out by name. My bet would be on Rachel. The other night she went over every poll Trump was in free fall on.
The next to the last tweet he throws out is "the southern border is closed." This is a piece of unprovable and inaccurate braggadocio. Obviously saying that the border is closed doesn't mean that people have stopped making it across the border between the points of entry.
His final tweet is about the sixth hostage being released. Of course he wants to take credit for this. Any past president would have written something that showed compassion for the hostages and have sent them his best wishes.
Trump may not realize, or want to admit that this is a victory for Hamas because they are getting 600 Palestinian prisoners back, including one serviing a life sentence for killing an Israeli solder. I doubt Israel wants the public to see it this way.
It was 2017 but it seems to be an eternity ago that my friend Dr. John D. Gartner, the founder of the Duty to Warn movement and the first mental health professional to publish an article saying Trump was a “toxic malignant narcissist” (USA Today, 2017), published the book
All I Ever Wanted to Know about Donald Trump I Learned From His Tweets: A Psychological Exploration of the President via Twitter.
From Amazon:
We had to figure that by electing a decidedly non-career-politician, that things would be… different. But is this any way to run a country? Many opinions have been shared about Donald Trump, but we can learn so much more about the man via what he himself says – in 140 characters or less. Trump has tweeted nearly 35,000 times since launching @realDonaldTrump in March 2009, commenting on everything from immigration to policy climate change to even pop culture. As President, Trump tweets without ceasing, sometimes a dozen times a day, seemingly during important events and meetings. Apparently he believes that twitter is an effective tool for him to drive his agenda. But it’s one thing to be a brash, bold, and outspoken, maverick businessman, it’s quite another when the leader of the most powerful country in the world is talking politics as stream of consciousness.
Here you see something else from psychoanalysis. In addtion to dream interpretation, which Freud called the royal road to the unconscious, analysts encourage there patients to say whatever comes into their mind in a stream of consciousness.
By tweeting in the wee hours of the morning Trump has put himself on the psychoanalyst’s couch. In fact, this is the name of another book;
Gartner introduced me to the concept of malignant narcissim. Understanding it is the best way to grasp what motivates Trump’s behavior, as well as the behavior of many of his cadre. I have written about the subject for years. If you Google search my name and Trump malignant narcissm this is what comes up.
This is the best site to read my essays on.