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Short term memory loss is one of the primary symptoms of early dementia. I’ve been agnostic on what other mental health professionals point to as indications of his having dementia. I see this as possibly being just as plausibly Trump feleing unleashed and more majic than usual when he goes off on a rant.
Also read this earlier essay:
The June 2016 Article in The Atlantic wasn’t the most alarming early article about how dangerous Trump’s psychopathology was. That would be Dr. John Gartner’s Donald Trump's malignant narcissism is toxic in USA Today published on Mar. 4, 2017. The Atlantic does feature it as their cover story and it doesn’t have a particularly unflattering photo of the preening nacrssist who is so concerned about how he is depicted. See what I wrote about Trump’s obsession with how he looks yesterday.
Here are two other 2017 Atlantic articles, one of them has Trump on it and the other a sinking White House.
The Atlantic has not been kind to Donald Ttump. It is clearly on his shit list.
The the psychologist’s article in the June, 2016 edition wasn’t effusive in praising him. It thought it was rather mild. But it is by a clincial psychologist who did not say he was the most mentally healthy person in the world. I’d be surprised if he didn’t have a copy of the magazine given to him because he was on the cover.
It’s possble this was an early contributor to Trump’s animosity toward the magazine.
(I published a portion of the following yesterday.)
Here’s a summary of the article:
In the 2016 presidential election, Republican nominee Donald Trump has thrown this year’s contest for President of the United States into a tailspin. A conventional presidential candidate, he’s not.
In June 2016, the Atlantic Monthly ran a front page cover story covering the psychology and mind of Donald Trump. For political scientists, fundamental features of human personality—such as extroversion and narcissism—help shape the distinctive leadership styles of our elected officials and the decisions they make. Dan P. McAdams writes about Trump’s dispositions, cognitive styles, motivations and self-conceptions that comprise his unique psychological makeup.
The Department of Political Science at Cal Poly Pomona has assigned the Atlantic Monthly article for summer reading. Freshman and transfer students have been given a copy of June’s Atlantic Monthly to read up on Trump and other current political events. When school resumes in September, professors will discuss McAdams’s article with students in various courses and at department events.
Trump may have just revealed the most compelling evidence that he has early dementia. This happened when he was asked about the number one story of the past two days.
You have to actually watch this video to understand my suggestion that Trump’s reaction to being asked about the security breach could be strongest indication Trump now has dementia.
Asked about Monday's story by The Atlantic that top cabinet officials and aides used Signal and texted war plans to a reporter, Trump said, "I don't know anything about it. I'm not a big fan of The Atlantic. To me it's a magazine that's going out of business. I think it's not much of a magazine. But I know nothing about it. You're saying that they had what?"
Trump added in his comments that it was the first he was hearing about the alleged sharing of the information.
There aren’t too many plausible explanations why Trump didn’t have a coherent answer. Either none of the officials in on the Signal chat didn’t know that the news had come out that the editor of The Atlantic revealed that he was in on the classified message chain. How could that be possible since it was the main story in the news for two hours? They should know that Trump could have learned about it from watching TV. How could they risk Trump finding out about it not from them but on TV?
Watch that video of Trump. He appears confused. He seems to know nothing about the incident. He launches into an attack against The Atlantic.
If Trump was told about this or learned about it on TV, or was told about it by an official, and forgot about it, one objectively has to call this short term memory loss. This is a major symptom of dementia.
Even if Trump had no knowledge of the security disaster he was clearly put off balance by the question. Going with this explanation would mean that he jumped to the conclusion that this was fake news because it was reported in The Atlantic.
If Trump was not the volatile angry person he is and for whatever reason he wasn’t aware of this he would have known that The Atlantic is a credible news source. He would have had the reporter who asked the question carefully explain to him what was reported in the story.
This would have put Trump in the worse than embarrassing position of having to throw some or all of his national security officials under the bus. He would have to say that they were negligent in not keeping him in the loop and that he would investigate why this top secret information was shared with the editor of The Atlantic.
Everyone so far is talking about other aspects of this story. I suggest we all look at this possibly being this is the strongest evidence to date that he may have dementia.