February 4, 2025

The Federal Role in Education, from the Dept. of Education while it still exists, saved by Hal M. Brown


Federal Role in Education

Copied from the Dept. of Education website on Feb. 4, 2025


Education is primarily a State and local responsibility in the United States. It is States and communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds, that establish schools and colleges, develop curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment and graduation. The structure of education finance in America reflects this predominant State and local role. Of an estimated $1.15 trillion being spent nationwide on education at all levels for school year 2012-2013, a substantial majority will come from State, local, and private sources. This is especially true at the elementary and secondary level, where about 92 percent of the funds will come from non-Federal sources.

That means the Federal contribution to elementary and secondary education is about 8 percent, which includes funds not only from the Department of Education (ED) but also from other Federal agencies, such as the Department of Health and Human Services' Head Start program and the Department of Agriculture's School Lunch program.

Although ED's share of total education funding in the U.S. is relatively small, ED works hard to get a big bang for its taxpayer-provided bucks by targeting its funds where they can do the most good. This targeting reflects the historical development of the Federal role in education as a kind of "emergency response system," a means of filling gaps in State and local support for education when critical national needs arise.


The original Department of Education was created in 1867 to collect information on schools and teaching that would help the States establish effective school systems. While the agency's name and location within the Executive Branch have changed over the past 130 years, this early emphasis on getting information on what works in education to teachers and education policymakers continues down to the present day.

The passage of the Second Morrill Act in 1890 gave the then-named Office of Education responsibility for administering support for the original system of land-grant colleges and universities. Vocational education became the next major area of Federal aid to schools, with the 1917 Smith-Hughes Act and the 1946 George-Barden Act focusing on agricultural, industrial, and home economics training for high school students.

World War II led to a significant expansion of Federal support for education. The Lanham Act in 1941 and the Impact Aid laws of 1950 eased the burden on communities affected by the presence of military and other Federal installations by making payments to school districts. And in 1944, the "GI Bill" authorized postsecondary education assistance that would ultimately send nearly 8 million World War II veterans to college.

The Cold War stimulated the first example of comprehensive Federal education legislation, when in 1958 Congress passed the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) in response to the Soviet launch of Sputnik. To help ensure that highly trained individuals would be available to help America compete with the Soviet Union in scientific and technical fields, the NDEA included support for loans to college students, the improvement of science, mathematics, and foreign language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, graduate fellowships, foreign language and area studies, and vocational-technical training.

The anti-poverty and civil rights laws of the 1960s and 1970s brought about a dramatic emergence of the Department's equal access mission. The passage of laws such as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which prohibited discrimination based on race, sex, and disability, respectively made civil rights enforcement a fundamental and long-lasting focus of the Department of Education. In 1965, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act launched a comprehensive set of programs, including the Title I program of Federal aid to disadvantaged children to address the problems of poor urban and rural areas. And in that same year, the Higher Education Act authorized assistance for postsecondary education, including financial aid programs for needy college students.

In 1980, Congress established the Department of Education as a Cabinet level agency. Today, ED operates programs that touch on every area and level of education. The Department's elementary and secondary programs annually serve nearly 18,200 school districts and over 50 million students attending roughly 98,000 public schools and 32,000 private schools. Department programs also provide grant, loan, and work-study assistance to more than 12 million postsecondary students.


Despite the growth of the Federal role in education, the Department never strayed far from what would become its official mission: to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

The Department carries out its mission in two major ways. First, the Secretary and the Department play a leadership role in the ongoing national dialogue over how to improve the results of our education system for all students. This involves such activities as raising national and community awareness of the education challenges confronting the Nation, disseminating the latest discoveries on what works in teaching and learning, and helping communities work out solutions to difficult educational issues.

Second, the Department pursues its twin goals of access and excellence through the administration of programs that cover every area of education and range from preschool education through postdoctoral research. For more information on the Department's programs see the President's FY 2025 Budget Request for Education.


One final note: while ED's programs and responsibilities have grown substantially over the years, the Department itself has not. In fact, the Department has the smallest staff of the 15 Cabinet agencies, even though its discretionary budget alone is the third largest, behind only the Department of Defense and the Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, the Department provides over $150 billion in new and consolidated loans annually


Despite the growth of the Federal role in education, the Department never strayed far from what would become its official mission: to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

The Department carries out its mission in two major ways. First, the Secretary and the Department play a leadership role in the ongoing national dialogue over how to improve the results of our education system for all students. This involves such activities as raising national and community awareness of the education challenges confronting the Nation, disseminating the latest discoveries on what works in teaching and learning, and helping communities work out solutions to difficult educational issues.

Second, the Department pursues its twin goals of access and excellence through the administration of programs that cover every area of education and range from preschool education through postdoctoral research. For more information on the Department's programs see the President's FY 2025 Budget Request for Education.


Mission of the U.S. Department of Education

ED's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

Congress established the U.S. Department of Education (ED) on May 4, 1980, in the Department of Education Organization Act (Public Law 96-88 of October 1979). Under this law, ED's mission is to:

  • Strengthen the Federal commitment to assuring access to equal educational opportunity for every individual;
  • Supplement and complement the efforts of states, the local school systems and other instrumentalities of the states, the private sector, public and private nonprofit educational research institutions, community-based organizations, parents, and students to improve the quality of education;
  • Encourage the increased involvement of the public, parents, and students in Federal education programs;
  • Promote improvements in the quality and usefulness of education through Federally supported research, evaluation, and sharing of information;
  • Improve the coordination of Federal education programs;
  • Improve the management of Federal education activities; and
  • Increase the accountability of Federal education programs to the President, the Congress, and the public.

It may just be YouTube, but Fox was just bounced out of first place by a liberal media outlet and they are panicking, By Hal M. Brown

In progress 

Today's Substack is about FoxNews being kicked out of first place on their YouTube channel. Read about it here:

Meidas Just Humiliated Fox…They Are PANICKING


Now, this is the type of news I love to report! It’s official, folks—the MeidasTouch Network has taken the lead over Fox in digital ratings. Fox, with its billion-dollar budget and oligarch investors, is LOSING to the MeidasTouch Network, which has NO INVESTORS and grows thanks to subscribers on this Substack.

And the news gets even better.

The MeidasTouch Network is the most-watched network on all of YouTube across ALL categories. We beat every news network, every sports network, every gaming channel, every influencer, every musician, and every other genre in between. Our message is resonating THANKS TO YOU. We are averaging almost 30 million views every 48 hours, and just yesterday alone, we picked up over 70,000 new YouTube subscribers.

I thought I'd check out the Midais Touch Network (MTN) on my laptop and watched one segment. Then I realized I could get YouTube on my TV. I expect that since most people now have smart TVs they can too. I thought that instead of writing about a particular issue today I'd share this with you.

I took a minute to get MTN on my laptop. It took a few steps to get on my TV because I had to active YouTube for the first time.

 I am watching now.

I post my Substacks (formerly blogs) on several platforms. They are on Substack where, if you want to submit your email, you can be notified of all new blog posts. They are on HalBrown.org. They are also on Stressline.org I also post them on Medium because this enables them to be easily found on internet searches

February 3, 2025

Marjorie Taylor Greene's latest attempt stroke Trump's - uh - ego, gets blowback, By Hal M. Brown


There are so many Trump travesties every day that it is hard for me to decide which is bad enough to write about. Here's one comparatively minor story that got my attention from HUFFPOST:

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Disturbing’ Post About Reporter’s Foreign Accent Is Slammed.

I followed up on this and found that this was also covered in marie france.

Above: BFMTV journalist attacked for her French accent in the United States, "She thinks I should be deported"

Here are translated excerpts from the long article which is written in French:

BFMTV journalist Sonia Dridi, who was criticized for her French accent by MP Marjorie Taylor Greene, has received support from her channel.

The latter was the target of harsh criticism from far-right US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who pointed out her French accent.


In a tweet published this Sunday on X (formerly Twitter), the SDJ of BFMTV, an association of journalists formed within the editorial staff of the continuous news channel, defended its correspondent at the White House.

Earlier, Sonia Dridi, based in the US capital Washington, took the microphone during a press briefing led by Karoline Leavitt, the new spokesperson for Donald Trump's government. The French journalist, who had asked two questions about diversity within aeronautical agencies after the terrible plane crash in Washington, was then criticized for her accent by a far-right US Congresswoman. 


Faced with this situation, the SDJ of BFMTV was quick to react. In a statement published on social networks, the society expressed its unconditional support for Sonia Dridi, emphasizing that such an attack constituted a direct attack on freedom of the press.

The SDJ recalled that the work of foreign correspondents, like that of Sonia Dridi, is essential to offer a global and critical vision of international issues.

"The SDJ of BFMTV gives its full support to its correspondent in the United States Sonia Dridi, ostracized as a foreign journalist by the American far-right MP Marjorie Taylor Green, who attacked the fundamental principle of freedom of the press. The work of national and foreign media in the United States is more necessary than ever at this time to highlight the reality of Donald Trump's mandate," we can read in the press release.

Here's the post from The Honorable Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene:

Marjorie Taylor Greene has decided that a foreign accent is toxic. Of course she means the accent of someone from another country, since all American accents are considered foreign by people in other countries. This is Make America Great Marjorie, so an accent from anywhere else is considered foreign the way a parasite is an unwelcome foreign creature in a human being,

For some people a southern or Maine accent sounds foreign to people from other parts of the country. When I went from New York to Michigan to go to college my accent led one kid in the dorm to ask me "what are you?" There are at least 30 accents or dialects spoken in the United States (reference), but Greene doesn't care about this because the reporter was a woman from, horrors upon horrors, France. You know, those French women with offensive accents...

Sonia Dridi, a reporter from France24, was asking about Trump's repsonse to the Washington, DC plane crash. 

After Greene attacked her on X, this was her straightforward response:

Translation: Marjorie Taylor Greene apparently didn't appreciate my accent while I was occupying the seat reserved for the few foreign journalists who are in our White House Foreign Press Association. She is now suggesting that we kick the foreign press out of the press room.

I doubt that Greene would be able to identify the French flag on Dridi's first post.

I am curious about how Dridri even found the Greene post. She follows over 7000 people on X and I have no way of knowing if Greene is one of them. Perhaps she is.

I see Greene's X post as an attempt to stroke Donald Trump's, uh, ego, and prove what a loyal soldier she is.  Let's wait and see whether Trump follows Greene's suggestion and ends up barring members of the Foreign Press Correspondents USA from his press conferences.  He has to contend with American reporters asking inconvenient questions especially as they, hopefuly, get more bold.  I doubt he wants some woman with what many would find a sexy French accent asking him a question.


Some of the comments on the HUFFPOST article...

I post my Substacks (formerly blogs) on several platforms. They are on Substack where, if you want to submit your email, you can be notified of all new blog posts. They are on HalBrown.org. They are also on Stressline.org I also post them on Medium because this enables them to be easily found on internet searches

February 2, 2025

What does DEI stand for now? This one Trump is promoting. By Hal M. Brown


Trump might as well add people with disabilities to his list of people like those I depicted above who don't have the rights of "real" citizens and don't belong here in his America.
Sorry guys, the FAA won't hire you.

In case you doubt me when I say Trump dosen't have any empathy for people with disabilities here's a reminder. The man revels in cruelty and has no capacity for empathy.

Trump wouldn't president today if he didn't have two campaign issues. One was being anti-woke and the other was in his demonization of immigrants. He used forced sex change operations of children and men playing in women's sports as examples of how woke was destroying the country. He said immigrants were poisoning the blood of the country, called them animals and not human. He said they were rapists and eating pet dogs and cats.

Trump has his minions currying favor by disinfecting (as they see it) websites and walls by removing anything having to do with diversity, equity, and inclusion no matter how remotely.
At the FBI Academy 

If someone attended a seminar on diversity they risk losing their job. People hired under DEI are being fired as their colleagues, who I liken to concentration camp kapos, turn them in.

Trump has his oh so pleased posturing psychopaths Tom Homan and Dr. Phil all over TV as they oversee the roundups of immigrants. 

Trump wants to make every person who can meet the criteria for being a DEI hire as not worthy of being an full-fledged American. They are, in effect, in the same category as immigrants. They are not welcome as full citizens in Trumpland.  He gave us a partial list of the unwelcome in talking about the plane crash. 

Read: Trump suggests 'dwarves, amputees and epileptics' are 'DEI hires' and not qualified for Air Traffic Control positions.


Trump highlighted a series of articles covering the FAA’s "diversity push," saying they were actively recruiting workers who “suffer severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems, and other mental and physical conditions.”

Trump included examples of some of the disabilities and conditions that are listed on the FAA’s website, including individuals missing extremities, paralysis, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism, among others.

He said: "'The FAA website states they include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism all qualified for the position of a controller of air planes pouring into our country, pouring into a little spot. A little dot on the map. A runway."

If you're woke, you are by definition anti-Trump. For the sake of my new DEI abbreviation I'll say that since we know Trump would like to deport you, or worse,  I'll call you an immigrant. 

What does my new DEI stand for?

It stands for Destroy Every Immigrant.

It isn't just these people. It is you, it is me, it is everyone Kash Patel has identified as an enemy of the state. It is not merely anyone who went against Trump. It is everyone who doesn't support him.

We are all immigrants.

We are on the enemy's list. He wants to destroy us.


Wearing a white hat doesn't make her a good guy.

Another Chapter In The Annals of Irony:

Unless we are a Native American, we are all either descendants of immigrants or immigrated ourselves. Trump is the former and his wife is the latter.

Snark of the Day

I post my Substacks (formerly blogs) on several platforms. They are on Substack where, if you want to submit your email, you can be notified of all new blog posts. They are on HalBrown.org. They are also on Stressline.org I also post them on Medium because this enables them to be easily found on internet searches

The Federal Role in Education, from the Dept. of Education while it still exists, saved by Hal M. Brown

  Federal Role in Education Copied from the Dept. of Education website on Feb. 4, 2025 OVERVIEW Education is primarily a State and local res...