September 19, 2024

Trump and his Elvis obsession shows he is delusional and possibly demented, by Hal M. Brown, MSW


Image of fat Trump made by Perchance Photo AI

Trump is doing it again. He's revealing his delusional obsession with Elvis. This goes way back.

Trump doesn't "merely" reveal an obsession with Elvis in his delusional rants. Added to how he goes off on tangents, spouts word salad, and confuses places like he did the other day (read article) he demonstrates that he is becoming demented. More about that later.

Back to Elvis:

In reality Trump is like the cat that looks in the mirror and sees a lion. 

Above is the drawing used to illustrate the Wiki article about grandiose delusions.

Here's an article I came across looking for images of Trump and Elvis.

Like his preoccupation crowd size, Trump can't let go of his Elvis delusion. Just yesterday this is what he said at his rally in Long Island:

“Nobody can draw crowds like me... I’m the greatest of all time. Maybe greater even than Elvis. Elvis had a guitar, I don’t have a guitar. I don’t have the privilege of a guitar.”

Not to nitpick, but having a guitar isn't a privilege. It takes a lot of talent to play the guitar well. Experts say Elvis wasn't a great guitarist but could play adequately. Later in his career he stopped playing it during performances and on recordings. The best guitarist who played with Elvis was James Burton.

Guitars aside, it is particularly worth reminding people that Elvis was not a drafter dodger (see Wikipedia).

Trump also said: 

“I call up my wife and say, ‘Baby, who can draw crowds… nobody can draw crowds like me, not even close’.”

If I said something like this to my partner she'd say "Hal, get over yourself."

Think of it. If you met someone who you might consider becoming friends with and they told you they were the greatest of all time regarding anything about themselves would you want to spend time with them again?

Trump has also bragged that the audience at the debate "went crazy" for him. He must have been hallucinating since there was no audience for the debate unless you count the television crew.

Click above to read article

While pundits on MSNBC and elsewhere and mental health experts keep pointing to evidence that Trump has a cogntive disorder this isn't sinking in with Trump supporters. Read my recent blogs about this:


I'm not the only mental health professional who says that Trump needs a rigorous neuropsychiatric evaluation to rule out a cognitive illness

The horror of having an unhinged dictator running the country is only surpassed by having a sane dictator. This could happen if Trump is elected and deteriorates to the point that it is possible to remove him permanently through the 25th Amendment.

I wrote about this here: 

Consider sane malignant narcissist J.D. Vance as president

When President Biden's age and possible cognitive disorder was an issue after his debate with Trump the mainstream press was unrelenting in suggesting he had dementia.  Now the number one undercovered story as far as the media goes is that Trump also shows many signs of dementia. 

Most recent blogs:

September 18, 2024

Sarah Huckabee Sanders vying with Vance for publicity in stand against childless cat ladies, by Hal M. Brown, MSW

Above: Image from Perchance Photo AI

This seemed like a non-story even though it stood out when I looked at HuffPost this morning and saw the story above. She bragged that her kids keep her humble and accused Kamala Harris of not having anything that keeps her humble. By this I assume she means Harris is conceited, egotistical, and pretentious.

Huckabee Sanders says her kids keep her humble. Humble? Really? Okay, still not much of a story worth spending a couple of hours of my morning on to write about.

Then I looked at RawStory and noticed they also covered the story:

This is the speech the articles are referring to:

This was still pretty much a a non-story to me until Joe and Mika spent time talking about it and noted how Huckabee Sanders, like Trump himself and other Trumpers, deliberately mispronunce Kamala. There's just something so obnoxious and nastily juvenile about trying to diminish someone by refusing to pronounce their name properly.

Damnit, this woman who fancies herself to be relevant has just shoehorned her way into a news cycle. I expect she's also auditioning to be a member of Trump's Cabinet if we have the horror of his becoming president. 

It would be better to ignore her, but the issue she brings up and the way she does it needs to be addressed. She is not just trying to promote a regressive view of women, but she is using nonsense as a propaganda tool which leads to people shrugging of the need to engage in critical thinking. Put another way:

This was, of course, her job when she was Trump's press secretary.

I suppose we can be thankful that at least she didn't mention childless cat ladies. Perhaps she didn't want to piss J.D. Vance off by stealing his now infamous line.

While on the subject of household pets....

There have been other elections where household pets played a role. For example, we had Richard Nixon's famous Checkers Speech and we had the Mitt Romney dog incident.

Currently cats have been added to dogs in the political news. We have the grim fairytale of Haitian migrants eating both dogs and cats, and we have the most famous childless cat lady in the world making the news (read article):

If Americans came to their senses, the unfounded demonization of legal Haitian immigrants and the disparaging attacks against married women who don't have children would decide the election in favor of Kamala Harris. If the majority of voters saw the candidates clearly and cared about character and integrity, if Donald Trump was a fish he'd be feeding off the bottom of the ocean looking for votes.

Recent blogs:

September 17, 2024

A lesson fron Sean (formerly Puff Daddy and P. Diddy) Combs: Be wary of people wearing giant diamond encrusted crosses, by Hal Brown, MSW


Until the other day I never heard of Latin superstar singer Nicky Jam who Trump made even more famous by calling him "she" and saying "she's hot" at a rally, but like most Americans I've heard of Sean (formerly Puff Daddy and P. Diddy) Combs. I knew he was a rapper but not about him being a major music mogul who won three Grammy awards. He has quite an impressive resume in the music industry.

Until I read his Wiki profile I didn't know he was born in Harlem and raised in Mount Vernon, New York which is where I grew up. I knew very well that this town bordering on the Bronx was home to lots of famous people. Speaking of music, Dick Clark was raised in the Mt. Vernon went to the same high school I did. In addtion to Clark and Combs these other notable celerbities were from Mt. Vernon.

Writers E. B. White and Linda Fairstein; the actors Art Carney, Denzel Washington, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee and Sidney Poitier; the musician Heavy D; and the athletes Ralph Branca, Ben Gordon and Floyd Patterson. NY Times.

If you've been watching the news about his arrest you probably saw photos of him, includng the one above, and you may have thought what I did about the diamond encrusted cross and necklace he was wearing.

Wearing a cross whether an ostentatious one or a more modest one says nothing about one's character or morality. I some instances someone may wear a giant cross to hide their true self. 

 Here's another photo with what seems to be the same or a similar cross on a more modest necklace.:

Apparently he never got this message from the Pope:

During a 2018 speech at St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, Pope Francis criticized those who wear crucifixes as fashion items. The pontiff labeled the practice as an "abuse" and added that the religious symbol should be "contemplated and understood" rather than commercialized as a trendy accessory. As reported in the UK's Independent newspaper, Pope Francis reminded his audience that "the crucifix is not an ornamental object or a clothing accessory," and explained how the cross should be perceived as more than just an aesthetic object. Reference

Obvously there are many people who want to show their devotion by spending a lot of money on flashy diamond crosses:

You don't have to spend a lot for a giant cross. Ths stainless steel and wood one from Innovative Design costs only $44.

As Sean Combs demonstrates, using a cross as a fashion accessory doesn't always mean someone follows the example of Christ in how they live their lives, just like using the Bible as a prop doesn't mean someone is living a Christlike life.

I posted two very different blogs today. This one is about Trump and why some young voters support him:

It's naive young voters who may either make the country into a dictatorship or keep our democracy, by Hal M. Brown, MSW

This got my attention on the main website page of The New York Times.

I use the word naive in my title not as a pejorative but rather as it is defined:

It is a long article. Click here to read it if you have a subscription.  I found it both informative and excruciating to read. There were parts that both dismayed me and scared the daylights out of me. This was the worst:

Give me a word or phrase to describe Kamala Harris.

Jack, 22, N.Y., white, underwriter, voted Biden in 2020

Political P.R.

Joseph, 24, S.C., white, high school teacher, voted Biden in 2020


Angelo, 19, N.Y., Latino, college worker, didn’t vote in 2020


Mark, 24, Calif., Black, chef, voted Biden in 2020


Pierce, 26, N.C., white, sales, didn't vote in 2020

Phony and terrifying.

Lillian, 27, Va., white, digital advertising, voted Trump in 2020


George, 21, Ga., white, student, didn't vote in 2020


Ayshah, 21, Iowa, South Asian, student, didn't vote in 2020


McLane, 25, D.C., white, legal field, wrote in Romney in 2020

Insincere and shallow.

Abigail, 23, Va., white, graduate assistant, voted Biden in 2020

“Run, Spot, run.”

Jasper, 25, Calif., biracial, food service, voted Biden in 2020

An empty suit.

Ben, 20, Mich., white, student, didn't vote in 2020

All over the place.

Laura, 20, Md., white, legal intern, didn't vote in 2020


Chris, 24, Fla., white, law student, voted Trump in 2020

Vibes candidate.

There is a cynicism expressed here. Perhaps it is because of the youth of the group. Perhaps it is because they are naive. It might be a combination of the two. I ponder whether they had some impossible expectation of how Harris could come across. Do they get their idea of how a sincere woman acts from Meryl Streep (who I happen to have seen perform live) or other actresses?

What they said about Trump reflects what I, and most observers, saw:

Let’s go to Donald Trump. Give me a word or phrase to describe Donald Trump now.

Ayshah, 21, Iowa, South Asian, student, didn't vote in 2020


Lillian, 27, Va., white, digital advertising, voted Trump in 2020


Laura, 20, Md., white, legal intern, didn't vote in 2020


Jasper, 25, Calif., biracial, food service, voted Biden in 2020

Selfishly hysterical.

Chris, 24, Fla., white, law student, voted Trump in 2020

Unviable candidate.

Abigail, 23, Va., white, graduate assistant, voted Biden in 2020


McLane, 25, D.C., white, legal field, wrote in Romney in 2020

Lacking character and discipline.

Ben, 20, Mich., white, student, didn't vote in 2020

Further deteriorating.

Pierce, 26, N.C., white, sales, didn't vote in 2020

Needs a Xanax.

Mark, 24, Calif., Black, chef, voted Biden in 2020

A joke.

Angelo, 19, N.Y., Latino, college worker, didn’t vote in 2020


Joseph, 24, S.C., white, high school teacher, voted Biden in 2020


Jack, 22, N.Y., white, underwriter, voted Biden in 2020


I was stuck that Pierce (left) called Harris "phony and terrifying" and said that Trump "needed an Xanax." I would like to have asked him what about Harris he found terrifying. Try as I might to put myself in his place I can't even imagine how anybody could describe her as invoking terror.  I'd want to know why he'd even consider voting for a candidate who he thinks needs a tranquilizer. I'd like to ask Pierce about whether he wanted a president who needed tranquilizers to be rational.

The bottom line from this article for me, which really was in the first portion, is as follows:

When we asked who they would vote for if the election were held today, five said Mr. Trump; four said Ms. Harris; and the remaining five said they didn’t know or leaned toward writing in someone else’s name. Still, the election isn’t today, and these voters haven’t committed to any candidate.

Considering the contrast between their opinions it is mind boggling to me that five of the 14 still would vote for Trump over Harris and five weren't sure. 

While maintaining democracy is the crucial reason for voting for Kamala,  leaving Trump's wanting to be a dictator out of the question, why on earth would any of them want a president who is irrational and out of control?

I posted two very different blogs today. This is the other one:

Trump and his Elvis obsession shows he is delusional and possibly demented, by Hal M. Brown, MSW

  Image of fat Trump made by Perchance Photo AI Trump is doing it again. He's revealing his delusional obsession with Elvis. This goes w...