September 16, 2024

How people can look at the same person and see someone different, by Hal Brown, MSW


Who do you see in the photo above? Do you see a young or an old woman or both? If you only see one look at this version:

Here's an article about this optical illusion drawing.

The top drawing (click to enlarge) was used to illustrate an article in The Washington Post (you need a subscription to read it).

The article begins:

Forty years ago this month, the physics community was electrified by a remarkable paper that hinted at the realization of Albert Einstein’s long-held dream: a unified theory of physical reality. The new approach, called string theory, captured the attention of researchers worldwide, as its elegant mathematics offered the potential to reconcile the two most successful yet conflicting frameworks in physics: Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which governs the vast structures of the cosmos where gravity rules, and quantum mechanics, which governs particles populating the subatomic world.

Four decades and tens of thousands of research papers later, where do we stand? The answer lies not only in assessing scientific progress but also in understanding the profound influence of human nature, even in the ostensibly objective realm of science.

Scientists assess the validity of proposed theories by testing their predictions. The challenge for string theory is that it has yet to produce any definitive, testable predictions. This isn’t surprising. String theory diverges from conventional theories only under extreme conditions: where distances are unimaginably small and masses are extraordinarily large, such as in the core of a black hole or in the instant of the big bang. Unfortunately, exploring these realms is beyond our capabilities.

Even today with all the modern tools physicists have to attempt to provide proof for a universal theory of physical reality they have been unable to do so.

The drawing was used to illustrate this point:

Perhaps most important, string theory has realized the concept of duality: the idea that a single physical situation can be described by two distinct mathematical formulations, each offering insights that the other cannot provide. Much like the classic optical illusion that flits between a young socialite and an elderly woman, it is only by embracing both descriptions that we achieve a complete understanding.

In the political world we have people holding two views of the reality of Donald Trump that are incompatible with each other. Some look at Trump and see a beautiful man who will save their world. Others see a scowling man who will destroy our democracy.

Social scientists rather than physicists are tasked with explaining how this can be. Rather than trying to undersand cosmic black holes and how they hold clues to the intriquing and mysterious spooky action at a distance of quantum theory they try to look into the black hole of the minds of Trump supporters.

These black holes are not particularly mysterious. We understand how people's beliefs are influenced by prejudice, bigotry, and gullibility. We understand how some people want to have a leader they perceive as Superman strong and who will vanguish people they consider undesirable. We understand that some people are followers and want a father figure to look up to and make decisions for them.

We can understand all of this, but lamentably there's nothing we can do to change it. Slightly less than half of the country want Trump to be president again. Because of the Electoral College, gerrymandering, and the Trumper's planned dirty tricks to steal the election, they may win the day and Trump will have a second term.

Only those voters in the penumbra of Trump's opaque authoritarian shadow are open to seeing him for the danger to democracy that he is. They have the potential to move into the sunlight of the truth. Only they can make sure the United States doesn't fail the ambitious experiment called democracy which is referred to in the conclusion of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, that our  "government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."

Read all blogs here.

September 15, 2024

Trump loves Laura Loomer and hates Taylor Swift, by Hal Brown, MSW


This post is making the news today:

Click image to enlarge sample of top search results

Here's the Google News Truth Social post about Swift search.

You may want to give Trump some credit for making the news with his insanity. For example here's a Google News search for Trump Laura Loomer:

Click image to enlarge sample of top search results

There is a lot of media winking and nodding about whether Laura Loomer has ever gotten up close and very personal with Donald Trump behind closed doors in this cabin in his Trump 757:

When asked about his association with her and her far right beliefs he said  "I don't control LauraLaura — she's a, she's a free spirit ..."

He might have revealed a lot more about his relationship with her than he intended. He may have been talking about why he has succumbed to her throwing herself at him. He may be discribing her love making.

After all, she has shown herself to be uninhibited, out of control and a free spirit, not only in what she says but considering this old video of her, in how she behaves when trying to seduce a man:

Above: Laura Loomer hitting on a guy that's not interested in her:
"I have big tits, and an Ashkenazi IQ" refrring to being Jewish. It has
not been verified that this is indeed Laura Loomer.


Unfortunately I didn't get credit for an image made with AI and posted on my blog and X which was referenced in this article which showed images of actual posts but not of mine.

Internet explodes over viral clip of grinning Trump holding Laura Loomer by the waist: 'Where's Melania' in Meaww.

They wrote:

Meanwhile, one user posted a meme of Melania's infamous "I really don’t care" jacket.

I think what they missed was that this wasn't Melania wearing the jacket, it is an AI created image which I ask for of Laura Loomer wearing a green jacket to which I added the lettering.

This most likely referred to my post:

September 14, 2024

Trump gave a Freudian clue about his true relationship with Laura Loomer, by Hal Brown, MSW


Above: The AI image I made is meant to ask the question "is Laura Loomer wearing more than Melania's famous jacket?"

We don't know if Laura Loomer is having an affair with Donald Trump. I surmise she is down for it, but is he up for it?

This is not social distance.

This article was posted on RawStory just after I completed today's blog:

'Melania, check your man': Trump's wife urged to intercede in campaign crisis


According to former RNC chair Michael Steele, Donald Trump's increasing interactions with controversial Laura Loomer is not only hurting him with fellow Republicans, it is also fueling rumors of an affair at a time when his campaign is reeling from his disastrous debate performance.

"We have seen the photo, she is all up on her chest, we know what her deal is," he added. "Why are we the people, yeah — that photo, that photo — where is Melania? Melania, check your man! I don't understand. I don't get why we are so susceptible to this kind of BS." 

In the past few days there have been articles like this:

and this in RawStory:

'Where’s Melania?' There's speculation Trump and Loomer are 'cozying up at Mar-a-Lago'

The Miami-based reporter, quoting Internet personality Mike Sington, noted Trump has been seen “hanging out with” Loomer. The "Internet personality" also included a video “with their hands all over each other at Mar-a-Lago.” You can watch it here:
Above, Trump puts his arm around her and pulls her close and kisses her.

There have been numerous articles (which you can find here) about Trump and Loomer which don't speculate on whether or not their relationship involves sexual intimacy.

It was the comment he made when asked about her by a reporter that gave me a clue as to how physically intimate their relationship may be. It was in this CNN article:

Trump says he doesn’t control far-right agitator Laura Loomer, calls her a ‘free spirit’

Asked about why she travelled with him on his plane he said this:

“A lot of people do. It’s a very big plane.” The telling part of this is the last sentence.

Freudians interpreting a dream or a slip of the tongue would say that a plane can be a phallic symbol. We already know how Trump is obsessed with things being associated with him being big. Not just big, but the biggest.

He's talked about his very large brain, for example saying that China respected his very large brain, not merely his very large brain but his "very, very large brain" (here). Of course we know how important it is to claim his crowd sizes are huge. When Kamala baited him about this not being true in the debate he attacked her by lying that she paid people to be bused in to her rallies. Maybe it is a "stretch" to say that a bus can also be a phallic symbol.

We don't know whether he has decided to ignore the severe criticism about having her appear with him and for having her travel on his very big Freudian plane because she is having sexual relations with him.

Addendum 1:

Somewhere in the recesses of Trump's mind may be his resenting Kamala Harris for running against him the less obvious reason that if she wins she will be able to travel on Air Force One, which is a Boeing 747 (bottom red arrow). His plane is a much smaller 757 (top red arrow). 

Addendum 2:

I can't find any photos of Melania Trump wearing bright red lipstick. From what I can tell Laura Loomer didn't used to do this but now she is. Make of this what you will.

Lower left from this photo:

Addendum 3:

Below: When I asked Perchance Photo AI for a picture of Trump and Laura Loomer on and airplane these are two of the six that came up. Make what you will of how the AI generator postioned Trump's hands.

I have a suspicion that when it comes to sex she is the most unhibited woman Turmp has even been with.

And then there's this:

September 13, 2024

I'm not the only mental health professional who says that Trump needs a rigorous neuropsychiatric evaluation to rule out a cognitive illness, by Hal Brown, MSW

 The article, above, Trump's Repetitive Speech Is a Bad Sign has been summarized in RawStory with the title Psychiatrist flags 'alarming' debate tic — and urges Trump to seek a neurologist, the EconoTimes with the title Psychiatrist Urges Donald Trump to Seek Neurological Exam After 'Alarming' Debate Behavior Raises Cognitive Concerns, and elsewhere.

They save me from the task of summarizing it. Still, I recommend that you read the entire article here.

I have been writing about this issue ever since the debate firmed up my own diagnostic assessment that Trump had a cognitive disorder, either early dementia, mania, or a combination of the two. But then again I am not an eminent mental health professional. I was what could be called a country psychotherapist for 40 years because I practiced in rural areas and graduated from what was once called a cow college, originally Michigan Agricultural College, now Michigan State University. 

The author of this article is what can be called eminent. He's  Richard A. Friedman, who  also has a Wikipedia page.

Two days ago I wrote BEDLAM IN HIS BRAIN: Call it insanity, mental illness, or cognitive impairment, Trump gave us ample evidence he needs professional help. 

My conclusion was the same as psychiatrist and professor Friedman's. This is that this debate showed is that if Trump was anybody else his family would be seeking professional help for him.

The number one reason Trump should never set foot in the Oval Office is that he will destroy democracy. The related reason is that dementia never gets better and as I wrote yesterday there will be a point where his symptoms will be so severe he'd be removed through the 25th Amendment and J.D. Vance would become president.

The country would go from having a sociopathic president who was mentally impaired, irrational, and unstable like Idi Amin who didn't have nuclear weapons, to having a sociopathic one who is as sane, rational, and calculating as Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un who do have nukes, and dare I say, as Adolph Hitler was. 

Read previous blogs

September 12, 2024

Consider sane malignant narcissist J.D. Vance as president. By Hal Brown, MSW

Trump is a narcissistic sociopath (aka malignant narcissist), but also after the debate he has given us conclusive proof that he has an organic brain disease - dementia, mania, or a combination of the two. Of course this makes him even more dangerous. But there is another element to consider. 

This means that if elected there's a good chance his condition will deteriorate to the point that he will be removed through the 25th Amendment and then we will have J.D. Vance as president. He too is a malignant narcissist, but he doen't have an organic brain disease. 

Remember, Hitler was a sociopath but there has been controversy among experts over whether or not he suffered from organic psychopatholgy (see Wikipedia). I am not an expert on Hitler but my own impression is that no matter whether or not he might have had any of the disorders listed in the following chart none of them significantly impaired his ability to think rationally.

Click to enlarge image

I don't see any indications that J.D. Vance suffers from any organic, or brain, psychopatholgy. Narcissistic sociopathy is psychopathogy, but it is a personalty disorder. He fits into the category of people without severe organic mental disorders that led to the coining of the term "the banality of evil" by Hannah Arendt. Below from Wikipedia:

Famed is Hannah Arendt's invention of the phrase the "banality of evil"; in 1963, she stated that for a Nazi perpetrator as Adolf Eichmann, mental normality and the ability to commit mass murder were not mutually exclusive. Harald Welzer came to a similar conclusion in his book Täter. Wie aus ganz normalen Menschen Massenmörder werden (Perpetrators: How ordinary people become mass murderers).

We all know the kind of country J.D. Vance wants to turn the United States into.

Read previous blogs.

How people can look at the same person and see someone different, by Hal Brown, MSW

  Who do you see in the photo above? Do you see a young or an old woman or both? If you only see one look at this version: Here's an art...