Sabrina Haake's Substack "Haake Take" today A king pardons his army: J6 was a rehearsal. By pardoning the most violent among them, Trump has begun recruitment for the real event prompted me to make a comment.Then I realized this would be a good topic for my own Substack. I added a bit to it and added an illustration.
Okay, I'll "go there" (none of us are are inhibited by Godwin's Law thanks to Trump) and suggest the following.
If Hitler, during the mid-thirties, announced to the world that he planned to invade and subjugate Europe, Endland, and Russian as part of his 1000 Year Reich and initiate the Holocaust to wipe out Jewery, I'd like believe the world would have taken him more seriously than it did. Maybe FDR wouldn't have kept the United States out of the war because of isolationist sentiment until Pearl Harbor and millions of lives would have been spared.
While Trump denied that he knew anything about Project 2025, his actions show that he aspires to be a ruthless dictator. King is too kind a word, unless you want to liken him to Henry VIII or the less known kings, Leopold II of Belgium and Æthelred the Unready.
If Trump lacked empathy it would be bad enough. He gets off on inflicting pain on others. This is sadism.
We know what he has in his mind. In 2017 he told police not to be careful not to injure suspects when they put them into the back of their car.
While addressing a crowd of law enforcement officers in July 2017, Trump did advise police not to be "too nice" with people in custody and encouraged officers to stop protecting peoples' heads when they're handcuffed and ducking to get into squad cars. Snopes
He's asked about shooting migrants trying to cross the Rio Grande below the waist. Of course with assualt rifles these wounds would often be lethal and wondered about putting alligators in the river.
This is kind of brutality that is in Trump's mind.
Listen up, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, when you shoot at the police wearing body armor, this is where to aim. (As an aside, police will be shooting back and if they try this Trump can't pardon them if they break state laws - at least not yet.)
Rather than saying Trump aspires to be king, among the other actual titles for rulers to use besides this, are emperor and tsar (or czar). I like the latter because of the Russian connection. I'm thinking of Ivan the Terrible, the first man to rule all of Russia as tsar. If we start to say Trump wants to be a tsar we can begin to call him Tsar Trump the Terrible.
Here's a little about Tsar Ivan:
He created a vicious private army and spent the rest of his life merrily murdering people, ransacking churches, and terrifying Russians everywhere. He attacked one of his own cities, Novgorod, slaughtering its citizens and ransacking everything, killing an estimated 12,000 innocent people. He also launched several ill-advised military campaigns that crippled Russia's treasury and reputation. When Ivan died of a stroke in 1584, Russia was mostly relieved. Reference.
Unfortunately Zsar Trump the Terrible is not a three word alliteration because of the soft T sound in tsar, but it does have a menacing ring to it.
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